Here at Saratoga Central Catholic, we are proud to have such a dedicated and passionate group of parents, students, and alumni who are committed to our school's mission and values. We want to highlight some of the testimonials from our community members to give you a glimpse of what it's like to be a part of our school family.
From the words of our parents, you will learn about the supportive and nurturing environment that we provide for our students.
From the perspective of our students, you will see how our school has helped them grow academically and personally.
From the words of our teachers, you will understand the dedication they have to their profession and the passion they have for making a difference in the lives of our students.
Lastly, from our alumni, you will understand the lasting impact that our school has had on their lives.
We hope that this post will give you a better understanding of what makes Saratoga Central Catholic School such a special place.

Bianca Lamarco '23 - Student
"I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't gone to SCC. Being here since sixth grade has given me so many amazing opportunities. From theatre, to sports I have made so many special friendships that will last a lifetime. I love the small class sizes, and everyone is always willing to help if you need anything. The faculty and staff are so personable and supportive. The atmosphere of the school is so exciting and fun and there is never a dull moment. It truly is one of a kind."
Eileen Venn '95 - Parent & Alumna
"I loved the SCC community, I always felt like I was a part of something. My education was more than textbooks and tests. I learned to be a better person, what community service is about and the importance of helping others. I was so happy when my daughter asked to go there in 8th grade. I have seen a significant difference in the person she is. I would highly recommend checking out SCC if you want more from your education than just classrooms and tests."
Hunter Fales '25 - Student
"I've been at SCC for four years now and I've had the opportunity to be apart of so many things. From playing baseball and basketball to being a member of the National Junior Honor Society, I've learned how to become a leader."
Susan Barbolt - Teacher
"The last seven years teaching at SCC has taught me how to be a member of not a school but a community. We take care of our own, everyone knows everyone and there is not a person from the principal to students who would not go out of their way to help one another. Everyone from grades 6-12 are under one roof and it makes for such a great atmosphere."
Annie Munn '23 - Student
"This is my sixth year being a student at SCC and I will be graduating with the class of 2023 this spring. I have loved the opportunity I have been given to truly nourish my relationships with my peers and teachers, as well as fully immerse myself into the school community due to the small class sizes. I have been encouraged to get involved in every way I can, and I am thoroughly supported as an athlete, a student, and most importantly as a Christian. I have learned how to hold a leadership position as well as guide and mentor groups through my roles as a Team Captain on the Varsity Soccer Team, President of the Student Council, and a leader of the Peer Ministry. I am thankful for the skills I learned through these experiences, and I am excited to keep them with me as I progress to college and into my future career. "
Gabriel Sherwin '24 - Student
"I have been at SCC since 6th grade and I have found this experience to be one of the best experiences of my life. It has given me so many gifts that I couldn't find anywhere else. I've made many new friends since the first day of middle school five years ago and I have grown in my relationship with them and the school community. I love being a part of SCC and I am trying to hold onto every last second before I head off to college!"
Emily Wenke '21 - Alumna
"Going to Spa Catholic prepared me for college in more ways than I can count. Academically, the small class sizes allowed me to excel. I was prepared for college level work in my AP Literature, AP Biology, and AP History classes. I was able to take advantage of leadership opportunities on the field, in the classroom, in various organizations, and in the school community as a whole. I built a valuable skill that helped me become involved in my college campus. Community service became a big part of my life at SCC and has carried over into my college experience. The values that I learned at SCC, such as hard work, leadership, and giving back to those in need, will stick with me throughout the rest of my college experience and beyond."
Interested in learning more? Schedule a tour today and visit our admissions page to register for our upcoming admissions events!
Admissions Office:
Mrs. Heather Bott
(518)587-7070 ext. 505
CLICK HERE to view our upcoming admissions events!
Upcoming Events:
Catholic Schools Week Tours, January 31 & February 1, 2023 from 9am-12pm
Spring Open House, March 16, 2023 from 6-8pm
