Graduation Requirements
Saratoga Central Catholic School follows a rigorous curriculum leading most graduates to a Regents Diploma or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
To graduate, students must complete a minimum of 24.5 credits, which should include:
2 credits in Theology
20 hours of Community service each year, grades 9-12.
4 credits in English
4 credits in Social Studies
4 credits in Mathematics
4 credits in Science
2 credits in a Language other than English (LOTE) (3 credits is strongly encouraged)
2 credits in Physical Education
1 credit in Fine Art
1 credit in an Elective
½ credit in Health
Meet Our School Counselor
Mrs. Nichole Mulkern
SCC's school counselor is here to assist with course selection, college and career readiness, and academic/social-emotional support. To contact our guidance office, call (518) 587-7070 or email nmulkern@saratogacatholic.org.
Resources & Information
College Preparatory Information
Saratoga Central Catholic School provides a number of tools and resources to help your student find the right college.
SCC uses Naviance to help students with college and career readiness in areas such as:
Assessments: Assessments are used throughout your student’s journey at SCC. These assessments empower students to learn more about their strengths, goals, values, interests in order to help them work towards a rewarding future career.
Career Planning: Job Outlook, Career Interest Profile, Resume Building, Portfolio Building.
College Application Process: Common Application, Application Types, Transcript Request, Teacher Recommendation Requests.
Naviance Family Connection
Naviance Family Connection is a comprehensive website that can be used to help make decisions about colleges and careers. Features include:
A number of innovative, easy-to-use, web applications for high school students to assist them with a variety of tasks; including career planning, college planning and the college application process.
Links with Naviance Succeed, a service that SCC uses in the guidance office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, in order to provide up-to-date information that is specific to our school.
Tools for planning and advising, build a resume, complete on-line surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers.
Research tools for colleges – compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school or students who have applied and have been admitted in the past.
Access a large national and local scholarship database with the ability to search for scholarships.
If you have any questions about your child's academic, social-emotional, or career journey, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Mulkern at nmulkern@saratogacatholic.org or (518) 587-7070.
PSAT Information
The PSAT is open to all Sophomores and Juniors and is typically held in the Fall. There is a small fee for the exam. Although preliminary, these exam results are used to match students with colleges and identify additional scholarship opportunities based on scores and interests through the exam.
SAT Information
SATs are typically taken in a student’s Junior year of high school and in the first two months of their Senior Year. Students sign up for the SAT on the College Board website (http://www.collegeboard.org).
For any colleges requiring standardized tests, SAT exam scores need to be sent by the student directly from CollegeBoard.org (SAT) or ACT.org (ACT). We cannot send official test scores from the Counseling, College & Career Center.
SCC’s School Code is 335050. Please use this on all College Board forms and correspondence.
ACT Information
Students are encouraged to take the ACT exam. The ACT exam is very similar to the SAT, but includes science and social studies.
For any colleges requiring standardized tests, ACT exam scores need to be sent by the student directly from CollegeBoard.org (SAT) or ACT.org (ACT). We cannot send official test scores from the Counseling, College & Career Center.
SCC’s School Code is 335050.
Senior Applications
As Seniors apply to colleges and universities, it is their responsibility to check their application materials to make sure that the colleges have all of their documents to complete their application. If they are missing any items or have questions, please see our School Counselor, Mrs. Mulkern.
College Fairs
Starting in the sophomore year, students and their families are highly encouraged to attend local college fairs.
HVCC College In The High School
Register early for Hudson Valley Classes each semester since courses fill up quickly. Registration for the Fall semester typically happens in mid-March and registration for the Spring semester typically happens in early December. Registration Forms must be signed and approved by Mrs. Mulkern before you submit to HVCC.
Special Education Services
If your student receives special education services or accommodations at their current school, please notify your home school district and Saratoga Springs City High School CSE Pupil Services by May 1st if you plan to attend Saratoga Central Catholic in the Fall and wish to continue to receive services.