Support SCC
Saratoga Central Catholic School relies on the support and dedication of its parents, friends, alumni and community for the needs and operational expenses it incurs to educate all students and to run our facility.
In an effort to keep tuition low, fundraising support is necessary.
With every donation, Saratoga Central Catholic students benefit from scholarships, new academic programs, tuition assistance, equipment and new facilities that your gifts provide. Whether the gifts are small or large in size the student population of Saratoga Central Catholic is sure to benefit.
To learn more about how you can give today, contact us!
Mrs. Heather Bott, Coordinator of Advancement
Annual Events
If you have any questions regarding how to make a gift to SCC, please contact Heather Bott at hbott@saratogacatholic.org or call (518) 587-7070 ext. 505